Are You Screwing Up Your Comment Based Interactions On LinkedIn?
Case study/examples on what’s wrong with the your “best practices”
Below are examples of an “internet savvy” marketeer who makes all the mistakes you can make when commenting on LinkedIn. I bet you make them too. Explanations follow.
LinkedIn is the major social media platform for business oriented people. If you are like many others, you may post longer articles, and updates, but you probably believe that commenting on other’s posts is a good thing. And in fact it should be. However, if you are on LinkedIn for business or job reasons, my bet is you are making huge mistakes in how you comment on the platform. I’ve pulled some examples of poor comments for discussion purposes.
Take a look at the image above. These are all comments posted by an individual who has often complained about how ineffective social media has been for promoting her business and creating business results.
Let’s see how sharp you are. Go through each one and ask yourself:
Does this comment contribute to this individual’s business success?
Here’s a hint:
Think in terms of adding value.