Supporting Your Support Staff So They Can Support You

In praise of administrative staff. Share this with your boss

Robert Bacal
5 min readJun 28, 2021


Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

They usually do the most repetitive job tasks. They answer the phones, keep things organized, keep track of finances, make sure you have what you need when you need it, and are often the first contact a customer or member of the public has with your organization. They are also often the lowest paid people in your organization and often not completely involved or included in many events that happen in your office. Oddly, they may be the most knowledgable people in your organization about what really goes on, and, because of their contact with clients, can have great insight into their needs, wants and expectations.

Sadly, support and administrative staff are often under-used and under included, and that creates several problems. Staff turnover can be higher than for other positions because the work may not be made satisfying enough, or interesting enough, since it is often repetitive. Support/administrative staff tend to have less formal authority and can become frustrated and less effective. But as important as the costs associated with turnover, administrative staff who are marginalized in the workplace cannot contribute their unique knowledge to the health of the organization. And then everyone loses. Who best, for example to…



Robert Bacal

Author, Trainer, customer service, management, performance appraisal,leadership,difficult customers